National REDD+ Steering Committee

National Steering Committee

The National Steering Committee on REDD+ (NSC), chaired by the Secretary Ministry of Climate Change is multi stakeholder forum set up to enhance multi-sectoral and multi-level coordination on REDD+. It was initially constituted in 2011 and reconstituted on 25th October, 2016. NSC comprises of 37 members representing relevant federal ministries, provincial departments, INGOs, academia, private sector, forest owners and communities, and forest industries.

The terms of reference of NSC include:

  1. Help in coordination of REDD+ activities with provinces and other relevant stakeholders;
  2. Discuss and decide on all substantive matters relating to REDD+ to ensure inter-provincial consistency and national reports;
  3. Facilitate and support provinces in developing and implementing REDD+ process;
  4. Review the performance of provincial REDD+ cells and
  5. Review the progress of different activities of Pakistan’s REDD+ Programme.

Minutes of the Meeting